Learn how to master Instagram and watch your floral business bloom


Are you a florist or flower grower struggling to stand out on Instagram?

Do you feel overwhelmed by the constant need to post content that gets little engagement?

Then this online Instagram course is designed for you.

Who is Instagram for Florists for?

This course is for florists and flower growers who:

  • Want to showcase their floral business more effectively on Instagram to attract the right audience

  • Are using Instagram but feel unsure how to build a strong, professional presence on the platform for your floral business

  • Already have an Instagram account but you struggle to increase engagement and reach new potential customers

  • You’ve been using Instagram for a while but you struggle to keep up with all the new updates and changes to the algorithm

  • Want to feel organised and confident about the content you plan for your Instagram

  • Want a course that’s focussed on the challenges that florists and flower growers face with case studies and examples specifically from florists and flower growers successfully using Instagram


How will Instagram for Florists work:

Over the 4 weeks there will be short video modules to watch, 1 live learning session and a live Q&A session each week.

It will be great if you can make the sessions live but don’t worry if you can’t as every session will be recorded and added into your Instagram for Florists learning portal.

This online Instagram course has been specifically designed for you as florists and flower growers. The course content is focussed on what you need as floral business owners so that you can successfully use Instagram for your floral business.

You’ll be set weekly ( optional) tasks so that you can put your learnings into practice.

In addition to the course material and live sessions there will be an Instagram for Florists private Facebook group where you’ll be able to ask questions, share your learning experiences and make connections with your fellow florists and flower growers.

Join the Waitlist for Instagram for Florists this November


Join the Waitlist for Instagram for Florists this November 〰️


Here’s what you’ll learn - week by week

Week One:

Your Instagram foundations

  • Understanding how to convey your brand - consistencey and simplicity

  • Streamlining your Instagram Profile

  • Optimising your Instagram Bio

  • Undertsanding how keywords work

  • Crafting effective Instagram Highlights

Week Two:

Creating compelling Instagram content

  • Focus on the content that florists and flower growers need to share to attract your customers

  • Understanding the value of Posts/ Carousels and Reels for florists and growers

  • Deep dive into Reels - you’ll be learning about the Reels content that works for florists and flower growers

  • Learning filming techniques - stop motion, time lapse, B-Roll

Week Three:

Building an Engaged community

  • Deep dive into Instagram Stories - how you can use Stories to drive up your connection with your followers

  • How to increase your visibility & discoverability on Instagram

  • Understanding the value of collaborations

  • Understanding what your followers want to see from your floral account


Week Four:

Converting followers into customers

  • Understanding your customers buying journey

  • Creating effective calls to action

  • Understanding Instagram metrics

  • Analysing your Instagram insights


By the end of this 4 week course you will:

  • Be clear on how to make your floral business as visible and discoverable as possible on Instagram

  • Be focussed on the Instagram content that works for you as a florist or a flower grower to attract your audience and convert followers into customers

  • Understand how to grow a loyal community of followers who will engage with you and your content and help your business to grow on Instagram

  • Learn how to use your Instagram account to grow enquiries and sales for your floral business


Hi I’m Lou & I’ll be your Instagram teacher

I’ve been working with florists and flower growers for the last 5 years helping them to use Instagram to reach their customers and grow their business.

I have tonnes of experience working with both florists and flower growers and it’s now time to put all that experience into an Instagram course that’s focussed on florists and flower growers.


How much will Instagram for Florists cost you:

  • A one off payment of £350 or two split payments of £175

  • By joining the waitlist now you’ll receive access to the time limited Early Bird discount that’s exclusive to the waitlist where you’ll be able to book for £315

You’ll also receive bonus recorded sessions of:

  • How to Make Reels - Part 1 beginners session

  • How to use Instagram Stories - Part 1

  • How to Use Instagram SEO


Questions you might have about Instagram for Florists:

  • The course is 4 weeks long starting on Monday November 4th.

    Each week there will be approximately 2.5 hours of content -this is made up of short video modules for you to complete in your own time plus one live learning session on a Tuesday and one weekly Q&A session on a Thursday.

    Plus you'll have some optional tasks and challenges to complete.

  • Instagram for Florists costs £350 for the 4 week course ( you can also opt to pay two split payments of £175)

    If you sign up to the waitlist you'll get access to the Early Bird discount which means you can book onto the course for £315 for a limited period of time.

    In addition to all the course material you will also receive bonus masterclass sessions:

    • How to Make Reels - Beginners session

    • How to Use Instagram Stories - Beginners session

    • How to Use Instagram SEO

    • Stop Motion for Beginners

  • That is not a problem - each live weekly session and the Q&A session will be recorded and added to your learning portal.

    You can then catch up in your own time.

  • You will have access to all the course materials for 6 months so you can re-visit parts of the course you'd like to focus on again as often as you'd like in that 6 month period.

  • You'll be with me in two live sessions a week and you'll have the private Instagram for Florists facebook group where you can ask questions too.

    In addition you can contact me by email to ask any questions you may have.

    So you'll have lots of different ways to get direct support from me throughout the duration of the course and beyond.


So if you’d like to get focussed on getting the most out Instagram then join me for Instagram for Florists starting on Monday November 4th.

Join the waitlist to register your interest and you’ll be the first to know about the priority booking early bird discount which will only be available for a limited time.


If you’d like to chat to me about the course and ask any questions I haven’t been able to answer for you here please do tap here and we can chat further.