How to make your business as discoverable as possible on Instagram

Instagram is a busy place and of course you know this already. There are now over a billion users on Instagram on a daily basis. This also means there are now more accounts than ever vying for your customer’s attention. So your job is to try to make your account and your business as discoverable as possible.

But how do you do this? How can you maximise your reach?

Well it’s not as challenging as it may seem and one of the ways to do this is to use keywords, right across your Instagram account.

Because people are now using Instagram like they would use Google. They are tapping on the Explore page and searching for the things they want to see, buy and book.

Instagram introduced SEO (search engine optimisation) to the platform in 2021 as a way of enabling the algorithm to show the right the content to the right people. And to make it easier for you to be served with the content you want to see.

So in order to make Instagram SEO make your content and your account more discoverable you need to think like your customer. What are the words they would search for to find a business like yours?

You need to spend some time making a list of all those keywords and start to include them across your account.

  • You need to add keywords to your Instagram name field. This part of your bio is searchable and you can include up to 64 characters. Rather than just repeat your business name instead have your first name ( if relevant and if you’re a solo founder of your business it’s a good idea to have your name in there) then include the keywords that describe what you do

  • Include keywords in the main part of your Profile Bio description - don’t use hashtags to describe what you do as these are tappable and will drive traffic away from your profile and towards the content and accounts of your competitors. Instead use keywords as descriptive words that describe what you do

  • Include keywords In the captions on your posts

  • Use keywords in your list of hashtags. Instagram uses hashtags as way of indexing content and helping the algorithm to decide who to show your content too. You can use up to 30 hashtags so you use a greater proportion of these as keywords describing what you do - try to be more niche than general.

If you’re including keywords right across your Instagram account it’s going to help your content and your account to become more discoverable because it simply makes you easier to find.

So if you’re not already including keywords in your Instagram account, your task for today is to make a list of all those words that describe what you do that you know your customer would use to find you and businesses just like you.

Louisa ChudleyComment